va pest control blog


Why Tick Prevention In Virginia Matters

Lyme disease is the most widely spread tick-borne disease in the United States, with over 30,000 cases reported to the CDC every year. What you may not know is that ticks also cause numerous other diseases, which can also make us sick....

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The Worst Fall Pests Facing Virginia Homes

Unlike deer mice, house mice love living with us! They don't need cold weather as an excuse to enter our homes, but cold weather does provide an additional incentive. Once they establish themselves inside a home, these mice will be happy to remain there permanently....

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Stopping Residential Ant Infestations In Virginia

Being one of the most common house pests, ants have proven that they are a nuisance time and time again. Seeing them crawling on your floor or congregating around a food source is not only disgusting, but also embarrassing if you happen to have company over....

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