Rodent-Proofing Your Christiansburg Home For The Winter

Living in Virginia gives us the best of both worlds when it comes to winter. We get a nice break from the heat of summer, but avoid the severe cold and snow that our northern friends must deal with. That break from the heat does have one downfall, though. When the temperatures cool, some animals realize it’s a little too cold for comfort to live outside. They also discover that food sources are harder to find. Their survival instincts kick in and they begin to look for warm accommodations with a plentiful food source where they can wait out the winter months. Many times the places they discover are within the homes of Christiansburg residents.
The Dangers Of Rodents
While there are a variety of insects and animals that move indoors during winter, some of the most plentiful, and potentially most dangerous, are rodents. Rodents such as mice and rats are dangerous for a number of reasons.
Rodents are known for their front incisors that never stop growing. In order for them to keep the growth under control, rodents must constantly chew on things to wear their teeth down to a manageable level. While this isn’t too much of a problem when they’re out in the wild, when they get into your home it becomes a larger problem. Rodents will chew through walls and insulation, gnaw at storage boxes and the belongings inside them, and nibble at pipes and wiring. Not only does this do a lot of damage to your home, but it can also cause dangerous conditions within your home. For instance, exposed wiring can be a fire hazard.
Rodents can make you sick. As they scurry from place to place, they leave behind contaminated waste. If they run across food prep areas, dishes, or countertops, there’s a good chance you’ll end up eating contaminated food. Rodents can spread a number of diseases, like E.coli and Salmonella.
Rodents bring in other pests. Parasites are often found on these furry animals. If they get inside your home, the parasites, such as ticks or fleas, get inside, too. Once they drop off their rodent host, they may reproduce or manage to find a new, human host.
How To Rodent-Proof Your Christiansburg Home For The Winter
Protecting your home from rodents is not always simple, but it is important. By doing the following, you’ll lower your chances of a rodent invasion:
Keep counters and sinks clear of food, dirty dishes, and crumbs.
Keep your yard free of debris, brush, and wood piles. All of these provide hiding places for rodents, allowing them to get close to your home without your knowledge.
Limit outdoor food and water sources. Bird feeders, pet food, and open garbage receptacles will all attract rodents to your home. Water sources, such as bird baths, uncovered pools, and clogged gutters, also draw these pests onto your property.
Cap your chimney and cover all vents.
Inside, keep all food in sealed containers or in the refrigerator so it won’t attract rodents.
Sweep and vacuum floors regularly.
Take out the trash frequently.
Check around the perimeter of your home for entry points. These include cracks in your foundation, gaps around windows and doors, holes in the siding, and tears in window and door screens. Seal or caulk all that you find, keeping in mind that mice only need a hole the size of a dime to get in, and an even smaller hole can be chewed at until it’s big enough to fit through.
What To Do If Rodents Get In
If, despite your best efforts, you still end up with a rodent infestation, call the pest control experts at AllPest Control & Solutions. We will identify the type of rodent you’re dealing with and choose the most effective elimination method available. We’ll locate and remove nests, and make sure that your entire rodent problem is taken care of. Give All Pest Control & Solutions a call today to discuss which rodent control program is best for your specific needs.