What Virginia Property Owners Ought To Know About Overwintering Pests

Even if you love the snow, you might not be looking forward to the winter. In addition to bringing low temperatures and stormy weather, the winter also brings pests. Find out everything Virginia property owners need to know about pests.
Common Winter Pests
It's impossible to list all the pests that affect Virginia homeowners in the summer. While many of those Virginia pests disappear in the winter, some come out in full force. All of the following pests tend to invade local homes in the winter:
Earwigs: Also known as pincher bugs, these insects have appendages that look like sharp pinchers. However, earwigs don't have venom or a painful bite. They're a nuisance pest in Virginia. Typically, they seek out moist areas and eat other insects and dying plants.
Mice: When the cold weather rolls around, mice seek out warmth. This means they often end up in homes during the winter. Unfortunately, mice don't make good roommates. They spread diseases and parasites, and trigger allergies. Additionally, they can damage your belongings, wiring, and more.
Silverfish: In the winter, silverfish head indoors. They enjoy moisture, so silverfish typically reside in basements and bathrooms. Although silverfish won't hurt you, they may damage your old photos or newspapers.
Spiders: Believe it or not, spiders have antifreeze in their bodies. In the winter, they don't need to come inside to escape the cold. But they do need to find insects to eat, and that could bring spiders indoors. While most spiders aren't harmful to humans, they're still not desirable house guests.
Termites: Not to be confused with ants, termites cause serious damage. In the winter, termites head into the walls of Virginia property owners. When they do, they eat your wood and leave you to pay for the repairs. You will want to seek out professional termite control to help.
Winter Damage: What You Might Experience
Due to the increased pest problems in the winter, you could experience some problems. If you don't use a residential pest control technician, you may experience the following:
Structural Damage: Mice can chew on almost anything. If you have mice in your home, they could do structural damage. Termites are even more destructive, chewing your home apart from the inside out.
Discomfort: Living with pests is uncomfortable, and you might learn that reality in the winter. If you have spiders, earwigs, and silverfish in your home, you may not feel comfortable sleeping at night or even sitting in your living room.
Allergies: Certain winter pests, such as mice and silverfish, trigger allergies. If you or a loved one are sensitive to allergens, you could experience more symptoms in the winter.
Can You Prevent Winter Pests?
On your own, there are a few steps you can take to deter pests. First and foremost, you should seal up all entrances to your home. That gap around your window doesn't just let in cold air; it also lets in pests. Check your windows and doors for gaps. If you look around your home, you might also notice small holes or cracks. Use caulk to seal them up, and you can keep some pests out.
To keep mice and other insects out, take away their food sources. This means storing your food and garbage properly. Use lids on all your garbage cans, and store food in containers with tightly-sealed lids.
The best way to keep spiders out is to eliminate other insects. If there are no insects in your home, spiders will prefer to stay outside.
Work With Us
For the best results, you need to work with a reputable pest control company. The next time you need professional assistance, call us at All Pest Control & Solutions for winter pest control for your Virginia home.