Ignoring Cockroaches In Your Lynchburg Home Could Make You Sick


cockroaches in home

Cockroaches are one of the most common pest control issues worldwide, and it is no different here in Lynchburg. Cockroaches are unsanitary, disease-carrying insects, and definitely not something you want running around your kitchen, food pantry, or bathroom. If you see a cockroach or two, chances are good there are a lot more in your house than you might think.

If you see any cockroaches in your home, even if it’s just a few, don’t ignore them. Cockroaches reproduce at an exceedingly rapid rate, and a cockroach infestation can get out of control before you know it. Contact your local Lynchburg pest control company as soon as possible. All Pest Control & Solutions is dedicated to protecting your home and your family. Contact us today to learn about our cockroach control solutions.

How To Tell The Difference Between Cockroaches & Beetles

Some cockroaches and beetles can be quite similar in appearance, so it’s important to be able to distinguish between these two types of insects. You don’t want to mistakenly identify a cockroach as a beetle and fail to implement a cockroach treatment plan. The types of cockroaches that you are most likely to come across are the German cockroach, American cockroach, and wood cockroach.

  • American cockroach: The largest of the three, this reddish-brown species grows to be about 1 1/4 to 2 1/8 inches long. It has a yellow-colored figure-eight pattern on the back of its head.

  • German cockroach: These smaller cockroaches range in size from 1/2 to 5/8 of an inch. They are tan to light-brown and have two parallel dark stripes that run along their backs.

  • Wood cockroach: The Virginia wood cockroach can grow up to an inch long and is typically seen outdoors. They are rusty-brown to black and have prominent wings.

Identification is important in order to detect a cockroach invasion at an early stage. If you think you have seen any of these or are unsure if it’s actually a cockroach, be sure to seek the help of a pest control professionals.

How Cockroaches Are Harmful To Human Health

Cockroaches live in very unsanitary conditions and carry bacteria and pathogens everywhere they travel. They also leave traces of their urine and fecal matter behind in their paths. These insects have been known to carry such diseases as dysentery, E. coli infections, cholera, and salmonellosis. Anyone who has allergies is also very susceptible to having allergic reactions that can be severe at times. 

The Most Effective Cockroach Control In Lynchburg

Cockroach infestations can be very difficult to get under control without the assistance of a professional pest control company. It is highly recommended that you don’t attempt to tackle one on your own. There are plenty of commercially available products on the market, but they can often turn out to be unsuccessful and expensive in the long run. Give us a call here at All Pest Control & Solutions for the safest and most effective way to get rid of a cockroach problem. We can come out to perform a free inspection and implement the best treatment and prevention plan to fit your needs and budget. 

How To Keep Cockroaches From Coming Back

Although a professional cockroach control service is your best option, there are several precautions and tips that you can follow to help to deter these pests. 

  • Cockroaches love moist and damp places. Eliminate piles of rotting logs, leaves, and compost in your yard.

  • Garbage and trash stored inside and out should have lids that are tightly sealed when closed.

  • Food packages that have been opened need to be resealed or placed in sturdy storage containers.

  • Don’t leave pet dishes out for extended periods of time with food in them.

  • Inspect your doors and windows for a tight fit when closed. Also, check for any cracks and crevices around your house.

These are all helpful prevention tips, but they are not a guarantee to handle a cockroach infestation. Trust All Pest Control & Solutions with your cockroach and pest control solutions. 


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