Do You Know How Dangerous Cockroaches In Virginia Really Are?

Some pests are creepy. Some pests are gross. And some are downright disgusting. But trust us, some insects take this statement as a compliment! Cockroaches, for example, are some of the most unsavory home invaders that could appear in your Virginia home or business. Some common types of cockroaches found in the surrounding Virginia area include:
The Oriental Cockroach
The Brown-banded Cockroach
The American Cockroach
The German Cockroach
Cockroaches love to hang out in dirty, drab spaces such as bathrooms, sewers, dumpsites, garbage bins, and drainpipes before entering homes. By exposing themselves to hundreds of different pathogens and parasites, they become disease vectors of the worst kind. Cockroaches are capable of spreading disease by externally carrying illnesses and smearing them across surfaces, ingesting and expelling excrement which may deposit parasites or bacteria around the home, or by simply eating and contaminating food sources. A shortlist of the diseases caused by cockroaches are:
Typhoid fever
E. coli
Large groupings of cockroach carcasses have been known to trigger asthma and allergy attacks, especially in the very young or very old. Because of these reasons, entertaining cockroach populations of any number can create huge health concerns for homeowners and their loved ones.
Spotting The Early Signs Of Cockroach Infestation In Your Virginia Home
Knowing how to keep roaches out of the house is one thing, but knowing how to spot them when they’re just beginning to get a foothold is another. Below are several helpful tips that allow Virginia homeowners to quickly and safely spot the early signs of a roach infestation before it’s too late.
Unpleasant odors that seem to emanate from an unknown source can be one of the first signs of a cockroach infestation.
Scratching sounds in the walls, or small skittering noises, are indications of living things hiding away.
A cockroach or two scuttling across the floor or counter is an undeniable sign of an existing cockroach infestation. It is important to note that cockroaches are specifically nocturnal creatures, which can make these sightings difficult.
It should be mentioned that any pest damage or destruction you might have noticed around the home could not have been caused by just one cockroach. In fact, you may be dealing with a full-blown infestation long before you notice even one pest. If you are concerned that a cockroach infestation could be taking place (quite literally) under your nose, reach out to the caring experts at All Pest Control & Solutions today for a helpful home inspection right away.
Risk Their Lives And Not Yours With All Pest Control & Solutions
Whether there’s a huge colony of roaches in your kitchen or just a single wandering bug, cockroaches pose huge health and safety risks at any stage of the infestation process. Don't risk your health trying to get rid of them yourself. Contact All Pest Control & Solutions for a better answer to your cockroach concerns.
Since 2012, our growing team of pest experts, service professionals, and customer service representatives have changed the way pest control is done in the Central Virginia area. By implementing holistic treatments with IPM programs, cockroach infestations are quickly tamed, banished, and kept away for good.
Interested in seeing how All Pest Control & Solutions can revolutionize your cockroach prevention and control? Call your nearest local branch to connect with a representative right away, or contact us through our convenient online form. Complete your cockroach control curriculum the right way with All Pest Control & Solutions!