The Cockroaches In Blacksburg Could Be Making You Sick

Coughing, wheezing, and runny noses could be the common cold – but it could also be cockroaches. Most people don’t understand that cockroaches are more than just unsanitary; they’re a health hazard, especially in your kitchen.

Here’s what Blacksburg residents should know about the effects of cockroaches on your health, how to prevent them in your kitchen and cooking areas, the best sprays to get rid of them, and what to do if you suspect you’ve got an infestation.

What Are The Effects Of Cockroaches In Blacksburg On Human Health?

While cockroaches may not bite like some pests do, they can still affect your health, especially if they contaminate your kitchen or anywhere you eat. Here’s how they can negatively impact your health:

  • They’re frequent carriers of bacteria and pathogens, like salmonellosis, streptococcus, and staphylococcus. 

  • Because of the bacteria they can carry, cockroaches play a role in some people contracting typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and diarrhea. 

  • An enzyme in cockroach droppings and saliva can trigger more severe allergic reactions or asthma attacks in some people. 

Most of the time, cockroaches spread bacteria by crawling across those kitchen surfaces where you prepare food or rummaging through cabinets. However, if you come into direct contact with a cockroach, they can also scratch you with their spiny legs and transmit bacteria that way as well.

How To Prevent Cockroaches In Your Blacksburg Kitchen

If there’s one area of your home that you’ll want to keep cockroaches out of, it’s the kitchen. Not only are roaches drawn to kitchens because of the easy access to food and water, but practicing poor sanitary practices in the kitchen can also attract them into your home.

To keep cockroaches away, here’s how to prevent roaches in your Blacksburg kitchen:

  • Store your leftovers in the fridge or cabinets. Leaving leftovers or other food out can bring cockroaches running, so you’ll want to make sure you’re sealing leftovers in airtight containers in your fridge or pantry. 

  • Keep the garbage can sealed and emptied. Overflowing trash cans can also be cockroach bait, but you can prevent this by keeping your trash bins (both indoor and outdoor) sealed and regularly emptying them when they’re close to being full. 

  • Limit your food consumption to one room. Even tiny crumbs and food scraps can serve as a food source for cockroaches, but limiting food consumption to one room in the house can make cleanup easier and more effective. 

  • Regularly vacuum or sweep the kitchen. You may clean off countertops, but crumbs can still end up on the floor. Vacuuming or sweeping your kitchen is an easy way to get rid of those excess crumbs and ensure roaches don’t have another food source. 

  • Seal off entry points. Even if you don’t have a door near your kitchen, cockroaches can still find a way to get inside. Make sure you’re using caulk or another type of sealant to block off potential entry points, like cracks and crevices near doors and windows and in the foundation and exterior walls.

What Is The Best Spray To Kill Cockroaches In Blacksburg?

While there are plenty of bug sprays that you can purchase over-the-counter, there aren’t a lot of OTC products that are effective at killing cockroaches. These pests are resistant to a lot of traditional pesticides, which makes them hard to eliminate. Not to mention, some OTC pesticides and insecticides can be toxic to pets or family members. Rather than waste your money on OTC sprays or traps, the best way to eliminate a cockroach infestation is with professional help. 

How Do I Safely Get Rid Of Cockroaches In My Blacksburg Home?

Having a cockroach infestation in Blacksburg can be unsafe and detrimental to your health. Roaches can be responsible for transmitting dangerous bacteria or even triggering allergies or asthma attacks. Since OTC pesticides aren’t an effective option, the safest way to rid your home of a troublesome cockroach problem is by calling us at All Pest Control & Solutions. Our reliable treatments are tough on pests like cockroaches but easy on pets and families.

If you’re worried that your Blacksburg home could be sheltering cockroaches, there’s only one thing to do – call us today at All Pest Control & Solutions to learn how our cockroach control services may be able to help or for more advice and assistance about prevention.


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